This page will be deprecated in future, due to it requiring a serial execution of workflows. Otherwise, simultaneous workflows compete to git merge the data branch.

构建状态(Build Status)


  • Date行表示构建开始的时间,格式为年月日时分秒(yymmddhhmmss)。 各列按照Date降序排列(最新排最前面)。
  • Commit行显示每次构建对应的Git commit的哈希值。
  • Note行包含简单的说明(主要是说明为什么哈希值发生变化)。
  • result/行及其下方的行表示构建结果的Nix store哈希值。 每个单元格都用颜色标记,不同的颜色表示不同的哈希值。 通过这种颜色标记,可以轻松看出多次构建之间是否保持了确定性

The tables below demonstrate the status of built workloads, with the following details:

  • The Date row indicates the build start time in yymmddhhmmss format. Columns are sorted by Date in descending order (most recent first).
  • The Commit row displays the Git commit hash associated with each build.
  • The Note row shows a simple explanation (mainly explains why hash changed).
  • The result/ row and the subsequent rows indicates the Nix store hashes of build results. Each cell is color-coded, with different colors indicating distinct hash values. This color coding makes it straightforward to verify deterministic build across multiple builds.
