🧭集成指南(Integration Guide)
This guide introduces the integration process of ChiselAIA into a RISC-V system.
:APLIC模块的核心逻辑- 每个系统需要一个实例:
:IMSIC模块的核心逻辑- 每个处理器核心需要一个实例:
Integration involves 2 scala files, including 4 scala classes:
: Parameter classes for configuring APLIC instance.APLIC
: The main logic of APLIC module.- Requiring one instance per system:
module wrapped by Tilelink protocol,AXI4APLIC
module wrapped by AXI4 protocol.
: Parameter classes for configuring IMSIC instances.IMSIC
: The main logic of IMSIC module.- Requiring one instance per hart:
module wrapped by Tilelink protocol,AXI4IMSIC
module wrapped by AXI4 protocol.
This section outlines the configurable parameters for APLIC and IMSIC.
While defaul values are provided,
we strongly recommend customizing parameters marked with 👉 to suit your specific integration needs.
Other parameters are either derived or hard-coded, (see Params.scala
for details).
Naming conventions:
suffix: Number of the items.Width
suffix: Bit width of an item (typicallylog2(number of the item)
suffix: Address of an item.
package aia
import chisel3._
import chisel3.IO
import chisel3.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4.AXI4Xbar
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.prci.ClockSinkDomain
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import org.chipsalliance.cde.config.Parameters
import utility._
// RegMap that supports Default and Valid
object RegMapDV {
def Unwritable = null
def apply(addr: Int, reg: UInt, wfn: UInt => UInt = (x => x)) = (addr, (reg, wfn))
def generate(
default: UInt,
mapping: Map[Int, (UInt, UInt => UInt)],
raddr: UInt,
rdata: UInt,
rvalid: Bool,
waddr: UInt,
wen: Bool,
wdata: UInt,
wmask: UInt
): Unit = {
val chiselMapping = mapping.map { case (a, (r, w)) => (a.U, r, w) }
val rdata_valid = WireDefault(0.U((rdata.getWidth + 1).W))
rdata_valid := LookupTreeDefault(
Cat(default, false.B),
chiselMapping.map { case (a, r, w) => (a, Cat(r, true.B)) }
rdata := rdata_valid(rdata.getWidth, 1)
rvalid := rdata_valid(0)
chiselMapping.map { case (a, r, w) =>
if (w != null) when(wen && waddr === a)(r := w(MaskData(r, wdata, wmask)))
def generate(
default: UInt,
mapping: Map[Int, (UInt, UInt => UInt)],
addr: UInt,
rdata: UInt,
rvalid: Bool,
wen: Bool,
wdata: UInt,
wmask: UInt
): Unit = generate(default, mapping, addr, rdata, rvalid, addr, wen, wdata, wmask)
// Based on Xiangshan NewCSR
object OpType extends ChiselEnum {
val ILLEGAL = Value(0.U)
val CSRRW = Value(1.U)
val CSRRS = Value(2.U)
val CSRRC = Value(3.U)
object PrivType extends ChiselEnum {
val U = Value(0.U)
val S = Value(1.U)
val M = Value(3.U)
class MSITransBundle(params: IMSICParams) extends Bundle {
val vld_req = Input(Bool()) // request from axireg
val data = Input(UInt(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W))
val vld_ack = Output(Bool()) // ack for axireg from imsic. which indicates imsic can work actively.
class ForCVMBundle extends Bundle {
val cmode = Input(Bool()) // add port: cpu mode is tee or ree
val notice_pending =
Output(Bool()) // add port: interrupt pending of ree when cmode is tee,else interrupt pending of tee.
class AddrBundle(params: IMSICParams) extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool() // 表示 addr 是否有效
val bits = new Bundle {
val addr = UInt(params.iselectWidth.W) // 存储实际地址值
val virt = Bool()
val priv = PrivType()
class CSRToIMSICBundle(params: IMSICParams) extends Bundle {
val addr = new AddrBundle(params)
val vgein = UInt(params.vgeinWidth.W)
val wdata = ValidIO(new Bundle {
val op = OpType()
val data = UInt(params.xlen.W)
val claims = Vec(params.privNum, Bool())
class IMSICToCSRBundle(params: IMSICParams) extends Bundle {
val rdata = ValidIO(UInt(params.xlen.W))
val illegal = Bool()
val pendings = UInt(params.intFilesNum.W)
val topeis = Vec(params.privNum, UInt(32.W))
case class IMSICParams(
// MC IMSIC中断源数量的对数,默认值9表示IMSIC支持最多512(2^9)个中断源
// MC (Logarithm of number of interrupt sources to IMSIC.
// MC The default 9 means IMSIC support at most 512 (2^9) interrupt sources):
// MC{visible}
imsicIntSrcWidth: Int = 9,
// MC 👉 本IMSIC的机器态中断文件的地址(Address of machine-level interrupt files for this IMSIC):
mAddr: Long = 0x00000L,
// MC 👉 本IMSIC的监管态和客户态中断文件的地址(Addr for supervisor-level and guest-level interrupt files for this IMSIC):
sgAddr: Long = 0x10000L,
// MC 👉 客户中断文件的数量(Number of guest interrupt files):
geilen: Int = 5,
// MC vgein信号的位宽(The width of the vgein signal):
vgeinWidth: Int = 6,
// MC iselect信号的位宽(The width of iselect signal):
iselectWidth: Int = 12,
EnableImsicAsyncBridge: Boolean = false,
HasTEEIMSIC: Boolean = false
// MC{hide}
) {
lazy val xlen: Int = 64 // currently only support xlen = 64
lazy val xlenWidth = log2Ceil(xlen)
imsicIntSrcWidth <= 11,
f"imsicIntSrcWidth=${imsicIntSrcWidth}, must not greater than log2(2048)=11, as there are at most 2048 eip/eie bits"
lazy val privNum: Int = 3 // number of privilege modes: machine, supervisor, virtualized supervisor
lazy val intFilesNum: Int = 2 + geilen // number of interrupt files, m, s, vs0, vs1, ...
lazy val eixNum: Int = pow2(imsicIntSrcWidth).toInt / xlen // number of eip/eie registers
lazy val intFileMemWidth: Int = 12 // interrupt file memory region width: 12-bit width => 4KB size
require(vgeinWidth >= log2Ceil(geilen))
iselectWidth >= 8,
f"iselectWidth=${iselectWidth} needs to be able to cover addr [0x70, 0xFF], that is from CSR eidelivery to CSR eie63"
lazy val INTP_FILE_WIDTH = log2Ceil(intFilesNum)
lazy val MSI_INFO_WIDTH = imsicIntSrcWidth + INTP_FILE_WIDTH
class IMSIC(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
println(f"IMSICParams.geilen: ${params.geilen}%d")
class IMSICGateWay extends Module {
// === io port define ===
val msiio = IO(new MSITransBundle(params))
val msi_data_o = IO(Output(UInt(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W)))
val msi_valid_o = IO(Output(UInt(params.intFilesNum.W)))
// === main body ===
val msi_in = Wire(UInt(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W))
msi_in := msiio.data
val msi_vld_req_cpu = WireInit(false.B)
when(params.EnableImsicAsyncBridge.B) {
msi_vld_req_cpu := AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(msiio.vld_req, 3, 0)
}.otherwise {
msi_vld_req_cpu := msiio.vld_req
val msi_vld_ack_cpu = RegNext(msi_vld_req_cpu)
// generate the msi_vld_ack,to handle with the input msi request.
msiio.vld_ack := msi_vld_ack_cpu
val msi_vld_ris_cpu = msi_vld_req_cpu & (~msi_vld_ack_cpu) // rising of msi_vld_req
val msi_data_catch = RegInit(0.U(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W))
val msi_intf_valids = RegInit(0.U(params.intFilesNum.W))
msi_data_o := msi_data_catch(params.imsicIntSrcWidth - 1, 0)
msi_valid_o := msi_intf_valids // multi-bis switch vector
when(msi_vld_ris_cpu) {
msi_data_catch := msi_in(params.imsicIntSrcWidth - 1, 0)
msi_intf_valids := 1.U << msi_in(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH - 1,params.imsicIntSrcWidth)
}.otherwise {
msi_intf_valids := 0.U
class IntFile extends Module {
override def desiredName = "IntFile"
val fromCSR = IO(Input(new Bundle {
val seteipnum = ValidIO(UInt(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W))
val addr = ValidIO(UInt(params.iselectWidth.W))
val wdata = ValidIO(new Bundle {
val op = OpType()
val data = UInt(params.xlen.W)
val claim = Bool()
val toCSR = IO(Output(new Bundle {
val rdata = ValidIO(UInt(params.xlen.W))
val illegal = Bool()
val pending = Bool()
val topei = UInt(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W)
/// indirect CSRs
val eidelivery = RegInit(0.U(params.xlen.W))
val eithreshold = RegInit(0.U(params.xlen.W))
val eips = RegInit(VecInit.fill(params.eixNum)(0.U(params.xlen.W)))
val eies = RegInit(VecInit.fill(params.eixNum)(0.U(params.xlen.W)))
val illegal_wdata_op = WireDefault(false.B)
locally { // scope for xiselect CSR reg map
val wdata = WireDefault(0.U(params.xlen.W))
val wmask = WireDefault(0.U(params.xlen.W))
when(fromCSR.wdata.valid) {
switch(fromCSR.wdata.bits.op) {
is(OpType.ILLEGAL) {
illegal_wdata_op := true.B
is(OpType.CSRRW) {
wdata := fromCSR.wdata.bits.data
wmask := Fill(params.xlen, 1.U)
is(OpType.CSRRS) {
wdata := Fill(params.xlen, 1.U)
wmask := fromCSR.wdata.bits.data
is(OpType.CSRRC) {
wdata := 0.U
wmask := fromCSR.wdata.bits.data
val validAddresses = Seq(
0x70, 0x72, 0x80, 0xc0
) ++ (0 until eips.length).map(i => 0x82 + i * 2
).toSeq ++ (0 until eies.length).map(i => 0xc2 + i * 2
).toSeq ++ (0 until 16).map(i => 0x30 + i).toSeq
val isValidAddress = VecInit(validAddresses.map(_.U === fromCSR.addr.bits)).asUInt.orR
def bit0ReadOnlyZero(x: UInt): UInt = x & ~1.U(x.getWidth.W)
def fixEIDelivery(x: UInt): UInt = x & 1.U
RegMapDV(0x70, eidelivery, fixEIDelivery),
RegMapDV(0x72, eithreshold),
RegMapDV(0x80, eips(0), bit0ReadOnlyZero),
RegMapDV(0xc0, eies(0), bit0ReadOnlyZero)
) ++ eips.drop(1).zipWithIndex.map { case (eip: UInt, i: Int) =>
RegMapDV(0x82 + i * 2, eip)
} ++ eies.drop(1).zipWithIndex.map { case (eie: UInt, i: Int) =>
RegMapDV(0xc2 + i * 2, eie)
/*raddr*/ fromCSR.addr.bits,
/*rdata*/ toCSR.rdata.bits,
/*rdata*/ toCSR.rdata.valid,
/*waddr*/ fromCSR.addr.bits,
/*wen */ fromCSR.wdata.valid,
/*wdata*/ wdata,
/*wmask*/ wmask
val illegal_csr = WireDefault(false.B)
when(fromCSR.addr.bits >= 0x00.U && fromCSR.addr.bits <= 0xFF.U &&
!isValidAddress) {
illegal_csr := true.B
toCSR.illegal := (fromCSR.addr.valid | fromCSR.wdata.valid) & (
~toCSR.rdata.valid | illegal_wdata_op | illegal_csr
} // end of scope for xiselect CSR reg map
locally {
val index = fromCSR.seteipnum.bits(params.imsicIntSrcWidth - 1, params.xlenWidth)
val offset = fromCSR.seteipnum.bits(params.xlenWidth - 1, 0)
when(fromCSR.seteipnum.valid) {
// set eips bit
eips(index) := eips(index) | UIntToOH(offset)
locally { // scope for xtopei
// The ":+ true.B" trick explain:
// Append true.B to handle the cornor case, where all bits in eip and eie are disabled.
// If do not append true.B, then we need to check whether the eip & eie are empty,
// otherwise, the returned topei will become the max index, that is 2^intSrcWidth-1
// Noted: the support max interrupt sources number = 2^intSrcWidth
// [0, 2^intSrcWidth-1] :+ 2^intSrcWidth
val eipBools = Cat(eips.reverse).asBools :+ true.B
val eieBools = Cat(eies.reverse).asBools :+ true.B
def xtopei_filter(xeidelivery: UInt, xeithreshold: UInt, xtopei: UInt): UInt = {
val tmp_xtopei = Mux(xeidelivery(params.xlen - 1, 1) === 0.U, Mux(xeidelivery(0), xtopei, 0.U) , 0.U)
// {
// all interrupts are enabled, when eithreshold == 1;
// interrupts, when i < eithreshold, are enabled;
// } <=> interrupts, when i <= (eithreshold -1), are enabled
Mux(tmp_xtopei <= (xeithreshold - 1.U), tmp_xtopei, 0.U)
toCSR.topei := xtopei_filter(
(eipBools zip eieBools).zipWithIndex.map {
case ((p: Bool, e: Bool), i: Int) => (p & e, i.U)
} // end of scope for xtopei
toCSR.pending := toCSR.topei =/= 0.U
when(fromCSR.claim) {
val index = toCSR.topei(params.imsicIntSrcWidth - 1, params.xlenWidth)
val offset = toCSR.topei(params.xlenWidth - 1, 0)
// clear the pending bit indexed by xtopei in xeip
eips(index) := eips(index) & ~UIntToOH(offset)
val toCSR = IO(Output(new IMSICToCSRBundle(params)))
val fromCSR = IO(Input(new CSRToIMSICBundle(params)))
val msiio = IO(new MSITransBundle(params))
private val illegal_priv = WireDefault(false.B)
private val intFilesSelOH = WireDefault(0.U(params.intFilesNum.W))
locally {
when (fromCSR.addr.valid)
val pv = Cat(fromCSR.addr.bits.priv.asUInt, fromCSR.addr.bits.virt)
when(pv === Cat(PrivType.M.asUInt, false.B))(intFilesSelOH := UIntToOH(0.U))
.elsewhen(pv === Cat(PrivType.S.asUInt, false.B))(intFilesSelOH := UIntToOH(1.U))
.elsewhen(pv === Cat(PrivType.S.asUInt, true.B))(intFilesSelOH := UIntToOH(1.U + fromCSR.vgein))
.otherwise(illegal_priv := true.B)
private val topeis_forEachIntFiles = Wire(Vec(params.intFilesNum, UInt(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W)))
private val illegals_forEachIntFiles = Wire(Vec(params.intFilesNum, Bool()))
// instance and connect IMSICGateWay.
val imsicGateWay = Module(new IMSICGateWay)
imsicGateWay.msiio <> msiio
val pendings = Wire(Vec(params.intFilesNum,Bool()))
val vec_rdata = Wire(Vec(params.intFilesNum, ValidIO(UInt(params.xlen.W))))
Seq(1, 1 + params.geilen).zipWithIndex.map {
case (intFilesNum: Int, i: Int) => {
// j: index for S intFile: S, G1, G2, ...
val maps = (0 until intFilesNum).map { j =>
val flati = i + j
val pi = if (flati > 2) 2 else flati // index for privileges: M, S, VS.
def sel_addr(old: AddrBundle): AddrBundle = {
val new_ = Wire(new AddrBundle(params))
new_.valid := old.valid & intFilesSelOH(flati)
new_.bits.addr := old.bits.addr
new_.bits.virt := old.bits.virt
new_.bits.priv := old.bits.priv
def sel_wdata[T <: Data](old: Valid[T]): Valid[T] = {
val new_ = Wire(Valid(chiselTypeOf(old.bits)))
new_.bits := old.bits
new_.valid := old.valid & intFilesSelOH(flati)
val intFile = Module(new IntFile)
val toCSR_rdata = RegNext(intFile.toCSR.rdata)
intFile.fromCSR.seteipnum.bits := imsicGateWay.msi_data_o
intFile.fromCSR.seteipnum.valid := imsicGateWay.msi_valid_o(flati)
intFile.fromCSR.addr.valid := sel_addr(fromCSR.addr).valid
intFile.fromCSR.addr.bits := sel_addr(fromCSR.addr).bits.addr
intFile.fromCSR.wdata := sel_wdata(fromCSR.wdata)
intFile.fromCSR.claim := fromCSR.claims(pi)
vec_rdata(flati) := toCSR_rdata
pendings(flati) := intFile.toCSR.pending
topeis_forEachIntFiles(flati) := intFile.toCSR.topei
illegals_forEachIntFiles(flati) := intFile.toCSR.illegal
toCSR.rdata.valid := vec_rdata.map(_.valid).reduce(_|_)
toCSR.rdata.bits := vec_rdata.map(_.bits).reduce(_|_)
toCSR.pendings := (pendings.zipWithIndex.map{case (p,i) => p << i.U}).reduce(_ | _) //vector -> multi-bit
locally {
// Format of *topei:
// * bits 26:16 Interrupt identity
// * bits 10:0 Interrupt priority (same as identity)
// * All other bit positions are zeros.
// For detailed explainations of these memory region arguments,
// please refer to the manual *The RISC-V Advanced Interrupt Architeture*: 3.9. Top external interrupt CSRs
def wrap(topei: UInt): UInt = {
val zeros = 0.U((16 - params.imsicIntSrcWidth).W)
Cat(zeros, topei, zeros, topei)
toCSR.topeis(0) := wrap(topeis_forEachIntFiles(0)) // m
toCSR.topeis(1) := wrap(topeis_forEachIntFiles(1)) // s
toCSR.topeis(2) := wrap(ParallelMux(
UIntToOH(fromCSR.vgein - 1.U, params.geilen).asBools,
)) // vs
// UIntToOH(0,geilen=5) -> 00001
// vgein = 1 - 对应第一个vs - 如果drop(2),那么就应该是 00001
val illegal_fromCSR_num = WireDefault(false.B)
when(fromCSR.addr.bits.virt === true.B && fromCSR.vgein === 0.U) { illegal_fromCSR_num := true.B }
toCSR.illegal := (fromCSR.addr.valid | fromCSR.wdata.valid) & Seq(
illegals_forEachIntFiles.reduce(_ | _),
fromCSR.vgein >= params.geilen.asUInt + 1.U,
).reduce(_ | _)
//define IMSIC_WRAP: instance one imsic when HasCVMExtention is supported, else instance two imsic modules.
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
// define the ports
val toCSR = IO(Output(new IMSICToCSRBundle(params)))
val fromCSR = IO(Input(new CSRToIMSICBundle(params)))
val msiio = IO(new MSITransBundle(params))
// define additional ports when HasCVMExtention is supported.
val sec = if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(new ForCVMBundle()))
else None // include cmode input port,and o_notice_pending output port.
val teemsiio = if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(new MSITransBundle(params))) else None
// instance module,and body logic
private val imsic = Module(new IMSIC(params, beatBytes))
imsic.fromCSR := fromCSR
toCSR := imsic.toCSR
imsic.msiio <> msiio
// define additional logic for sec extention
// .foreach logic only happens when sec is not none.
sec.foreach { secIO =>
// get the sec.mode, connect sec.o_notice_pending to top.
val cmode = Wire(Bool())
val notice_pending = Wire(Bool())
cmode := secIO.cmode
secIO.notice_pending := notice_pending
// instance tee imsic module.
val teeimsic = Module(new IMSIC(params, beatBytes))
teemsiio.foreach(teemsiio => teeimsic.msiio <> teemsiio)
toCSR.rdata := Mux(cmode, teeimsic.toCSR.rdata, imsic.toCSR.rdata) // toCSR needs to the selected depending cmode.
toCSR.illegal := Mux(cmode, teeimsic.toCSR.illegal, imsic.toCSR.illegal)
val s_pendings = Mux(cmode, teeimsic.toCSR.pendings(params.intFilesNum-1,1), imsic.toCSR.pendings(params.intFilesNum-1,1))
val m_pendings = imsic.toCSR.pendings(0) // machine mode only from imsic.
toCSR.pendings := Cat(s_pendings,m_pendings)
// toCSR.pendings := VecInit((0 until params.intFilesNum).map(i => pendings(i))) // uint->vector
toCSR.topeis := Mux(cmode, teeimsic.toCSR.topeis, imsic.toCSR.topeis)
toCSR.topeis(0) := imsic.toCSR.topeis(0) // machine mode only from imsic.
// to get the o_notice_pending, excluding the machine interrupt
// val s_orpend_ree = imsic.toCSR.pendings.slice(1, params.intFilesNum) // extract the | of vector(1,N-1)
// val s_orpend_tee = teeimsic.toCSR.pendings.slice(1, params.intFilesNum)
// notice_pending := Mux(cmode, s_orpend_ree.reduce(_ | _), s_orpend_tee.reduce(_ | _))
val s_orpend_ree = imsic.toCSR.pendings(params.intFilesNum-1,1) // extract the | of vector(1,N-1)
val s_orpend_tee = teeimsic.toCSR.pendings(params.intFilesNum-1,1) //bit(params.intFilesNum-1:1)
notice_pending := Mux(cmode, s_orpend_ree.orR, s_orpend_tee.orR)
teeimsic.fromCSR := fromCSR
teeimsic.fromCSR.addr.valid := cmode & fromCSR.addr.valid // cmode=1,controls tee csr access to interrupt file indirectly
teeimsic.fromCSR.wdata.valid := cmode & fromCSR.wdata.valid
teeimsic.fromCSR.claims(0) := false.B // machine interrupts are inactive for tee imsic.
for (i <- 1 until params.privNum) {
teeimsic.fromCSR.claims(i) := cmode & fromCSR.claims(i)
imsic.fromCSR.addr.valid := (cmode === false.B) & fromCSR.addr.valid // cmode=1,controls tee csr access to interrupt file indirectly
imsic.fromCSR.wdata.valid := (cmode === false.B) & fromCSR.wdata.valid
imsic.fromCSR.claims(0) := fromCSR.claims(0) // machine interrupts are inactive for tee imsic.
for (i <- 1 until params.privNum) {
imsic.fromCSR.claims(i) := (cmode === false.B) & fromCSR.claims(i)
//generate TLIMSIC top module:including TLRegIMSIC_WRAP and IMSIC_WRAP
class TLIMSIC(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
// asyncQueueParams: AsyncQueueParams
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasIMSICParameters {
val axireg = LazyModule(new TLRegIMSIC_WRAP(IMSICParams(HasTEEIMSIC = GHasTEEIMSIC), beatBytes))
lazy val module = new Imp
class Imp extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
val toCSR = IO(Output(new IMSICToCSRBundle(params)))
val fromCSR = IO(Input(new CSRToIMSICBundle(params)))
private val imsic = Module(new IMSIC_WRAP(IMSICParams(HasTEEIMSIC = GHasTEEIMSIC), beatBytes))
toCSR := imsic.toCSR
imsic.fromCSR := fromCSR
axireg.module.msiio <> imsic.msiio // msi_req/msi_ack interconnect
// define additional ports for cvm extention
val io_sec = if (GHasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(new ForCVMBundle()))
else None // include cmode input port,and o_notice_pending output port.
/* code on when imsic has two clock domains.*/
// --- define soc_clock for imsic bus logic ***//
val soc_clock = IO(Input(Clock()))
val soc_reset = IO(Input(Reset()))
axireg.module.clock := soc_clock
axireg.module.reset := soc_reset
imsic.clock := clock
imsic.reset := reset
axireg.module.msiio <> imsic.msiio // msi_req/msi_ack interconnect
// code will be compiled only when io_sec is not None.
io_sec.foreach(iosec => imsic.sec.foreach(imsicsec => imsicsec <> iosec))
// code will be compiled only when tee_axireg is not None.
axireg.module.teemsiio.foreach(tee_msi_trans => imsic.teemsiio.foreach(teemsiio => tee_msi_trans <> teemsiio))
class AXI4IMSIC(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasIMSICParameters {
val axireg = LazyModule(new AXIRegIMSIC_WRAP(IMSICParams(HasTEEIMSIC = GHasTEEIMSIC), beatBytes))
lazy val module = new Imp
class Imp extends LazyModuleImp(this) {
val toCSR = IO(Output(new IMSICToCSRBundle(params)))
val fromCSR = IO(Input(new CSRToIMSICBundle(params)))
private val imsic = Module(new IMSIC_WRAP(IMSICParams(HasTEEIMSIC = GHasTEEIMSIC), beatBytes))
toCSR := imsic.toCSR
imsic.fromCSR := fromCSR
axireg.module.msiio <> imsic.msiio // msi_req/msi_ack interconnect
// define additional ports for cvm extention
val io_sec = if (GHasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(new ForCVMBundle()))
else None // include cmode input port,and o_notice_pending output port.
/* code on when imsic has two clock domains.*/
// --- define soc_clock for imsic bus logic ***//
val soc_clock = IO(Input(Clock()))
val soc_reset = IO(Input(Reset()))
axireg.module.clock := soc_clock
axireg.module.reset := soc_reset
imsic.clock := clock
imsic.reset := reset
// code will be compiled only when io_sec is not None.
io_sec.foreach(iosec => imsic.sec.foreach(imsicsec => imsicsec <> iosec))
// code will be compiled only when tee_axireg is not None.
axireg.module.teemsiio.foreach(tee_msi_trans => imsic.teemsiio.foreach(teemsiio => tee_msi_trans <> teemsiio))
// code below is for SEC IMSIC spec
//generate TLRegIMSIC_WRAP for IMSIC, when HasCVMExtention is supported, IMSIC is instantiated by two times,else only one
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val axireg = LazyModule(new TLRegIMSIC(params, beatBytes)(Parameters.empty))
val tee_axireg =
if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(LazyModule(new TLRegIMSIC(params, beatBytes)(Parameters.empty))) else None
lazy val module = new TLRegIMSICImp(this)
class TLRegIMSICImp(outer: LazyModule) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val msiio = IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params)))
msiio <> axireg.module.msiio
val teemsiio = if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params))))
else None // backpressure signal for axi4bus, from imsic working on cpu clock
// code below will be compiled only when teeio is not none.
teemsiio.foreach(teemsiio => tee_axireg.foreach(tee_axireg => teemsiio <> tee_axireg.module.msiio))
//generate AXIRegIMSIC_WRAP for IMSIC, when HasCVMExtention is supported, IMSIC is instantiated by two times,else only one
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val axireg = LazyModule(new AXIRegIMSIC(params, beatBytes)(Parameters.empty))
// val tee_axireg = if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(LazyModule(new AXIRegIMSIC(IMSICParams(teemode = true), beatBytes)(Parameters.empty))) else None
val tee_axireg =
if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(LazyModule(new AXIRegIMSIC(params, beatBytes)(Parameters.empty))) else None
lazy val module = new AXIRegIMSICImp(this)
class AXIRegIMSICImp(outer: LazyModule) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val msiio = IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params))) // backpressure signal for axi4bus, from imsic working on cpu clock
msiio <> axireg.module.msiio
val teemsiio = if (params.HasTEEIMSIC) Some(IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params))))
else None // backpressure signal for axi4bus, from imsic working on cpu clock
// code below will be compiled only when teeio is not none.
teemsiio.foreach(teemsiio => tee_axireg.foreach(tee_axireg => teemsiio <> tee_axireg.module.msiio))
class TLRegIMSIC(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4,
seperateBus: Boolean = false
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val fromMem = Seq.fill(if (seperateBus) 2 else 1)(TLXbar())
// val fromMem = LazyModule(new TLXbar).node
private val intfileFromMems = Seq(
AddressSet(params.mAddr, pow2(params.intFileMemWidth) - 1),
AddressSet(params.sgAddr, pow2(params.intFileMemWidth) * pow2(log2Ceil(1 + params.geilen)) - 1)
).zipWithIndex.map { case (addrset, i) =>
val intfileFromMem = TLRegMapperNode(
address = Seq(addrset),
beatBytes = beatBytes
intfileFromMem := (if (seperateBus) fromMem(i) else fromMem.head)
lazy val module = new TLRegIMSICImp(this)
class TLRegIMSICImp(outer: LazyModule) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val msiio = IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params))) // backpressure signal for axi4bus, from imsic working on cpu clock
private val reggen = Module(new RegGen(params, beatBytes))
// ---- instance sync fifo ----//
// --- fifo wdata: {vector_valid,setipnum}, fifo wren: |vector_valid---//
val FifoDataWidth = params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH
val fifo_wdata = Wire(Valid(UInt(FifoDataWidth.W)))
// depth:8, data width: FifoDataWidth
private val fifo_sync = Module(new Queue(UInt(FifoDataWidth.W), 8))
// define about fifo write
fifo_wdata.bits := reggen.io.seteipnum
fifo_wdata.valid := reggen.io.valid
fifo_sync.io.enq.valid := fifo_wdata.valid
fifo_sync.io.enq.bits := fifo_wdata.bits
// fifo rd,controlled by msi_vld_ack from imsic working on csr clock.
// msi_vld_ack_soc: sync result with soc clock
val msi_vld_ack_soc = WireInit(false.B)
val msi_vld_ack_cpu = msiio.vld_ack
val msi_vld_req = RegInit(false.B)
when(params.EnableImsicAsyncBridge.B) {
msi_vld_ack_soc := AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(msi_vld_ack_cpu, 3, 0)
}.otherwise {
msi_vld_ack_soc := msi_vld_ack_cpu
fifo_sync.io.deq.ready := ~msi_vld_req
// generate the msi_vld_req: high if ~empty,low when msi_vld_ack_soc
msiio.vld_req := msi_vld_req
val msi_vld_ack_soc_1f = RegNext(msi_vld_ack_soc)
val msi_vld_ack_soc_ris = msi_vld_ack_soc & (~msi_vld_ack_soc_1f)
// val fifo_empty = ~fifo_sync.io.deq.valid
// msi_vld_req : high when fifo empty is false, low when ack is high. and io.deq.valid := ~empty
when(fifo_sync.io.deq.valid === true.B) {
msi_vld_req := true.B
}.elsewhen(msi_vld_ack_soc_ris) {
msi_vld_req := false.B
}.otherwise {
msi_vld_req := msi_vld_req
// get the msi interrupt ID info
val msi_id_data = RegInit(0.U(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W))
val rdata_vld = fifo_sync.io.deq.fire // assign to fifo rdata
when(rdata_vld) { // fire: io.deq.valid & io.deq.ready
msi_id_data := fifo_sync.io.deq.bits(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH - 1, 0)
}.otherwise {
msi_id_data := msi_id_data
// port connect: io.valid is interrupt file index info.
msiio.data := msi_id_data
val backpress = fifo_sync.io.enq.ready
(intfileFromMems zip reggen.regmapIOs).map {
case (intfileFromMem, regmapIO) => intfileFromMem.regmap(regmapIO._1, regmapIO._2, backpress)
//generate axi42reg for IMSIC
class AXIRegIMSIC(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4,
seperateBus: Boolean = false
)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val fromMem = Seq.fill(if (seperateBus) 2 else 1)(AXI4Xbar())
val axi4tolite = Seq.fill(if (seperateBus) 2 else 1)(LazyModule(new AXI4ToLite()(Parameters.empty)))
fromMem zip axi4tolite.map(_.node) foreach (x => x._1 := x._2)
private val intfileFromMems = Seq(
AddressSet(params.mAddr, pow2(params.intFileMemWidth) - 1),
AddressSet(params.sgAddr, pow2(params.intFileMemWidth) * pow2(log2Ceil(1 + params.geilen)) - 1)
).zipWithIndex.map { case (addrset, i) =>
val intfileFromMem = AXI4RegMapperNode(
address = addrset,
beatBytes = beatBytes
intfileFromMem := (if (seperateBus) fromMem(i) else fromMem.head)
lazy val module = new AXIRegIMSICImp(this)
class AXIRegIMSICImp(outer: LazyModule) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val msiio = IO(Flipped(new MSITransBundle(params))) // backpressure signal for axi4bus, from imsic working on cpu clock
private val reggen = Module(new RegGen(params, beatBytes))
// ---- instance sync fifo ----//
// --- fifo wdata: {vector_valid,setipnum}, fifo wren: |vector_valid---//
val FifoDataWidth = params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH
val fifo_wdata = Wire(Valid(UInt(FifoDataWidth.W)))
// depth:8, data width: FifoDataWidth
private val fifo_sync = Module(new Queue(UInt(FifoDataWidth.W), 8))
// define about fifo write
fifo_wdata.bits := reggen.io.seteipnum
fifo_wdata.valid := reggen.io.valid
fifo_sync.io.enq.valid := fifo_wdata.valid
fifo_sync.io.enq.bits := fifo_wdata.bits
// fifo rd,controlled by msi_vld_ack from imsic working on csr clock.
// msi_vld_ack_soc: sync result with soc clock
val msi_vld_ack_soc = WireInit(false.B)
val msi_vld_ack_cpu = msiio.vld_ack
val msi_vld_req = RegInit(false.B)
when(params.EnableImsicAsyncBridge.B) {
msi_vld_ack_soc := AsyncResetSynchronizerShiftReg(msi_vld_ack_cpu, 3, 0)
}.otherwise {
msi_vld_ack_soc := msi_vld_ack_cpu
fifo_sync.io.deq.ready := ~msi_vld_req
// generate the msi_vld_req: high if ~empty,low when msi_vld_ack_soc
msiio.vld_req := msi_vld_req
val msi_vld_ack_soc_1f = RegNext(msi_vld_ack_soc)
val msi_vld_ack_soc_ris = msi_vld_ack_soc & (~msi_vld_ack_soc_1f)
// val fifo_empty = ~fifo_sync.io.deq.valid
// msi_vld_req : high when fifo empty is false, low when ack is high. and io.deq.valid := ~empty
when(fifo_sync.io.deq.valid === true.B) {
msi_vld_req := true.B
}.elsewhen(msi_vld_ack_soc_ris) {
msi_vld_req := false.B
}.otherwise {
msi_vld_req := msi_vld_req
// get the msi interrupt ID info
val msi_id_data = RegInit(0.U(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W))
val rdata_vld = fifo_sync.io.deq.fire // assign to fifo rdata
when(rdata_vld) { // fire: io.deq.valid & io.deq.ready
msi_id_data := fifo_sync.io.deq.bits(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH - 1, 0)
}.otherwise {
msi_id_data := msi_id_data
// port connect: io.valid is interrupt file index info.
msiio.data := msi_id_data
val backpress = fifo_sync.io.enq.ready
(intfileFromMems zip reggen.regmapIOs).map {
case (intfileFromMem, regmapIO) => intfileFromMem.regmap(regmapIO._1, regmapIO._2, backpress)
//integrated for async clock domain,kmh,zhaohong
class RegGen(
params: IMSICParams,
beatBytes: Int = 4
) extends Module {
val regmapIOs = Seq(
params.intFileMemWidth + log2Ceil(1 + params.geilen)
).map { width =>
val regmapParams = RegMapperParams(width - log2Up(beatBytes), beatBytes)
(IO(Flipped(Decoupled(new RegMapperInput(regmapParams)))), IO(Decoupled(new RegMapperOutput(regmapParams))))
// define the output reg: seteipnum is the MSI id,vld[],valid flag for interrupt file domains: m,s,vs1~vsgeilen
val io = IO(Output(new Bundle {
val seteipnum = UInt(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W)
val valid = Bool()
val valids = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(params.intFilesNum)(false.B)))
val seteipnums = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(params.intFilesNum)(0.U(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W))))
val outseteipnum = RegInit(0.U(params.MSI_INFO_WIDTH.W))
val outvalids = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(params.intFilesNum)(false.B)))
(regmapIOs zip Seq(1, 1 + params.geilen)).zipWithIndex.map { // seq[0]: m interrupt file, seq[1]: s&vs interrupt file
case ((regmapIO: (DecoupledIO[RegMapperInput], DecoupledIO[RegMapperOutput]), intFilesNum: Int), i: Int) =>
// j: index is 0 for m file for seq[0],index is 0~params.geilen for S intFile for seq[1]: S, G1, G2, ...
val maps = (0 until intFilesNum).map { j =>
val flati = i + j // seq[0]:0+0=0;seq[1]:(0~geilen)+1
val seteipnum = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(Valid(UInt(params.imsicIntSrcWidth.W)))); /*for debug*/
valids(flati) := seteipnum.valid
seteipnums(flati) := seteipnum.bits
j * pow2(params.intFileMemWidth).toInt -> Seq(RegField(
RegWriteFn { (valid, data) =>
when(valid) { seteipnum.bits := data(params.imsicIntSrcWidth - 1, 0); seteipnum.valid := true.B }; true.B
regmapIO._2 <> RegMapper(beatBytes, 1, true, regmapIO._1, maps: _*)
for (i <- 0 until params.intFilesNum) {
when(valids(i)) {
outseteipnum := Cat(i.U, seteipnums(i))
outvalids := valids
io.seteipnum := outseteipnum
io.valid := outvalids.reduce(_ | _)
### `APLICParams`
(Logarithm of number of interrupt sources to APLIC:
The default 7 means APLIC support at most 128 (2^7) interrupt sources.
**Note**: `aplicIntSrcWidth` must be **less than** `imsicIntSrcWidth`,
as APLIC interrupt sources are converted to MSIs,
which are a subset of IMSIC's interrupt sources):
aplicIntSrcWidth: Int = 7,
imsicIntSrcWidth: Int = 9,
👉 APLIC域的基地址(Base address of APLIC domains):
baseAddr: Long = 0x19960000L,
Note: The following variables in bracket align with the AIA specification (Section 3.6: Memory Region Arrangement for Multiple Interrupt Files).
👉 每个组的成员数量(Number of members per group)[\(h_{max}\)]:
membersNum : Int = 2 ,
👉 所有IMSIC的机器态中断文件的基地址(Base address of machine-level interrupt files for all IMSICs)[\(A\)]:
mBaseAddr : Long = 0x61000000L ,
👉 所有IMSIC的监管态和客户态中断文件的基地址(Base addr for supervisor-level and guest-level interrupt files for all IMSICs)[\(B\)]:
sgBaseAddr : Long = 0x82900000L ,
👉 组的数量(Number of groups )[\(g_{max}\)]:
groupsNum : Int = 1 ,
👉 客户中断文件的数量(Number of guest interrupt files):
geilen : Int = 5 ,
:- 每个类一个实例,
- 根据参数部分的说明,实例化参数。
:- 单个实例,
- 参数
:- 每个核心一个实例,
- 参数
:- Single instance each,
- Instantiation parameters according to Parameters section.
:- Single instance,
- Parameter
: receiving theAPLICParams
's instance,
:- One instance per hart,
- Parameter
: receiving theIMSICParams
's instance,
关于hartIndex(About hartIndex)
根据AIA规范: AIA的hart编号 可能与RISC-V特权架构分配给hart的唯一 hart标识符(“hart ID”)无关。 在ChiselAIA中,hartIndex编码为groupID拼接上memberID。
According to the AIA specification:
The AIA's hart index may or
may not have any relationship to the unique
hart identifier ("hart ID")
that the RISC-V Privileged Architecture assigns to the hart.
In ChiselAIA, the hartIndex is encoded as a concatenation of groupID
and memberID
简单的4核系统(A Simple 4-Hart System)
对于一个简单的未分组系统,设置groupsNum=1,则可以将hart ID复用作为AIA的`hartIndex:
For a simple ungrouped system, set groupsNum=1 to allow reuse of hart ID as AIA's hartIndex
val imsic_params = IMSICParams()
val aplic_params = APLICParams(groupsNum=1, membersNum=4)
val imsics = (0 until 4).map( i => {
val imsic = LazyModule(new TLIMSIC(imsic_params)(Parameters.empty))
val aplic = LazyModule(new TLAPLIC(aplic_params)(Parameters.empty))
分组的4核系统(A Grouped 4-Hart System)
We provide an example of instantiating the APLIC and IMSIC, in src/main/scala/Example.AIA
and src/main/scala/Example-axi.scala
(Furthermore, we will use this example to conduct unit tests.).
Take Tilelink as an example, we provide key lines of code below:
val imsic_params = IMSICParams()
val aplic_params = APLICParams(groupsNum=2, membersNum=2)
val imsics = (0 until 4).map( i => {
val imsic = LazyModule(new TLIMSIC(imsic_params)(Parameters.empty))
val aplic = LazyModule(new TLAPLIC(aplic_params)(Parameters.empty))
,高位表示 groupID,低位表示 memberID。
This configuration creates a 2-bit hartIndex
where the higher bit represents groupID
and the lower bit represents memberID
For detailed IO connections, refer to the following figure and src/main/scala/Example.AIA